Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cancelling Greatness

So recently I decided to watch the Joss Whedon series Firefly and the subsequent movie Serenity and lets just say I was hooked off the bat. The way Whedon artfully forms the 2 genres of Western and Sci-Fi into one show is flawless leaving the viewer grasping for more.
Unfortunately this show was cancelled after one season and the movie was used to wrap up the series. To me this begs the question, how do great series such as Firefly and others get cancelled while other mediocre shows run for 5+ seasons. I know it has to do with funding and other such things but I still find it aggravating to see how Soap Operas run for 20+ seasons or all the spin offs of Law and Order. To see such shows as Firefly cancelled and have shows like Community fighting to stay on the air is just saddening to me. So now that my rant is finished what is your favorite show that got cancelled or what is a show that you think is undeserving of staying on the air?
-Michael Scheible


  1. I hear you. I don't even want to count the number of shows that I loved watching that were cut short or never really were given the chance to become a niche show. I never saw Firefly, but I feel you angst in what is I think a failure by networks to acknowledge real quality in shows by passing over them for recycled garbage. I won't say too much about my disgust for some of the shows that some how stay on TV today, but it just seems like we as a society need to do something to keep at least some of these shows on the air so that our brains don't turn to mush from the idiotic "shows" that thrive on some networks.
