Monday, April 9, 2012

The Finish Line: Registration

So we near the end of the semester; we have finals, papers, and basically everything else we procrastinated on due all around the same time.  Oh, and we have backpacking and registration to add on just a little more pressure.

Registration is under-ratedly just as important and therefore nerve-racking as finals week.   We have to determine our next semester-- Which professors we’re going to take, what classes, what times, days, etc.  What I think is most stressful is that we have a specific time that we are allowed to start registering.  It could literally be that one person ahead of you who takes the last spot in the class you’ve been dying to take… then what?

As the clock ticks down to those final seconds, I know my heart certainly starts to race.  What if one of my classes is closed?  Am I going to have to re-do my entire schedule?  If one is waitlisted, do I bank on getting in or do I add another class?  I feel bad for the “popular” professors that receive numerous emails requesting overrides.  

What I think is most interesting about this process is the competition among students.  I mean we’re Michigan students, what do you expect? While sitting in my kitchen the other night, my friends that share the same major were discussing their possible schedules.  One of my friends would not tell the others which class and professor they wanted to take because the others “might steal it.”  To me this seems crazy and absurd.  Are we really not going to help our friends out in fear that they are going to take our spot?  Should we be fending for ourselves throughout this process, or should we be working together?

Although I am typically one to think and plan ahead, I do not do so for registration.  I think it’s pointless to start planning my schedule as soon as the course guide comes out, which is months in advance.   To me, this seems like some sort of game.  It’s as if Michigan wants us to compete for spots and stress out-- so I don’t let this happen to me.  I think what works best is looking at the open classes a few days in advance and having some sort of plan.  Unlike most things in life (exams, sports, etc.), planning weeks or months in advance will not give us any advantage-- it really does come down to that day and the final seconds.  Extensive preparation is truly unnecessary; time really does have the power over us in this situation.  Our time of registration is the finish line, and we should not let our anxiety overcome us during the race.  There is no need to compete or get frustrated, because in the end we will ALL have a schedule.  

-Brooke Kranz


  1. I also had a bit to say about class enrollment. I realize that I, someone with no anxiety before exams or flying or anything else, get very anxious about registering. I fear I will not get the class times or professors I want and that I will get pushed back. I always feel a sense of relief after my schedule is completed. I don't think it is fair to say to not get frustrated because we will all end up with a schedule. We all know we will obviously be taking classes at the end of the day. However, we may not be taking interesting classes or taking too difficult a class; and this is something to stress about. We have to worry about our GPA and completing requirements. It is human nature to worry about our futures and human nature to get anxious about competition. I truly think the University needs to change our system for registration in order to help students out from experiencing severe anxiety during their finals.
